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#RavenFamily: The Perales Family

Posted Date: 06/05/2024

#RavenFamily: The Perales Family

Meet the Perales Family: Meet Norma Perales & Mario Perales Sr. (Parents), Alexis Diaz (RAPS Class of 2015), Monsseratt Dimas (RAPS Class of 2019), Mario Perales Jr. (Former Student 1st-11th), and Isabella Perales completed (Pre-K-8th).

Why are you proud to be a Raven Family?
We are proud to be a Raven family because of how Rapoport has equipped all of our children with the tools and knowledge to be successful in life. Our oldest three took a lot of what they learned at Rapoport with them and stand out wherever they go because of the values instilled by Rapoport.

Would you recommend Rapoport Academy to others, and why?
We absolutely recommend Rapoport to others. When we first came to Rapoport back when Dr. Polk was Superintendent, they showed us how dedicated they were to our children’s success and that’s when we knew that Rapoport was the right place for us. To this day, Rapoport Academy and Superintendent Dr. Neumann still holds high those same values that made us sure that Rapoport was the place for our family.

Do you have a story or specific experience from your experience with Rapoport Academy you want to share?
There’s an abundance of memories that we’ve had with our children here at Rapoport Academy. If we had to pick a specific experience with the school it would be all 4 of our children’s involvement in the different fine arts programs at Rapoport ranging from culinary, arts, and the band program. Seeing our children flourish creatively has been one of the many joys we’ve had at Rapoport Academy.

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